It’s been over a month now since my family and I moved into our new house. While we’ve settled in nicely and it already feels like home, the process of moving wasn’t that simple. In fact, it was probably one of the most stressful experiences of my life. While worth it, it wasn’t easy. That being said, the experience has taught me a lot about patience, organization and outsourcing help and during the transition. Kratom products have been a helpful stress-reliever and you can check out the site for more info. Since my blog is all about sharing, it only makes sense that I fill you in on some of the tips and tricks that I learned along the way. Here are my five tips for making your moving day a little less stressful.

Tips for moving day
1. Get organized early

We really had no choice in the matter because we had to stage our house for the sale, so we pretty much got organized several months in advance. While it was time consuming, it made things so much easier and smoother when we prepared to actually move. I used this time to purge a lot of our belongings. Going through every drawer and box and closet, I made four piles: keep, trash, donate and sell. I put away items that we use occasionally in boxes together so we could keep them in storage even after our house sold and kept every day items together so we could keep using them until our move. When gearing up for a move, enlisting the help of movers near me can streamline the process, offering convenience and professional support for a seamless transition to your new home.
2. Figure out your moving strategy
Do you only have a few things to move? Are you moving to a different city or province or just down the street? The answer to these questions will help you determine if you can do it yourself (or with the help of family and friends) or if you should hire these local movers with a truck to help you out. While we were moving only four streets down, we had a TON of stuff to move and we have furniture that needed to be taken apart and rebuilt. Not only did we need a huge truck, but I knew that we wouldn’t have the energy or physical strength to move it all. So we hired a flyttfirma i Malmö, which may have not been cheap, but was money well spent – especially since they spent 8 hours helping us move (loading and unloading the truck). Those who are moving overseas may need the assistance of companies like Moving abroad can be very exhausting and complicated so having professional movers can be a big help.
3. Set up essential services like insurance, hydro and utilities in advance
One of the main things that you will need to have in place before your move-in day is your insurance. Your lawyer will need this information too. If you’re like me, you want to ensure you get quality insurance at an affordable price. That’s where Esurance comes in. Backed by Allstate, Esurance offers online home and auto insurance direct to Ontarians. All you have to do is submit your information online and you’ll quickly receive an online quote. It’s convenient, easy and saves you time. All things that will help reduce the stress of moving. Plus, by starting your home insurance process before you move you can receive the “Future Effective Date” discount which will lower your quote just because you’re organized! You may visit sites like for affordable insurance rates.
Other important services to set up in advance of your move is your hydro, electricity and utilities. You should also call in advance and arrange for a service technician to come in and set up your internet and cable during the day (or day after) of your move.
4. Prepare a moving day kit
Even the best laid plans don’t always work out, so be prepared for the unexpected by creating a kit full of essentials that you will need on moving day. This includes every day household items like toilet paper, garbage bags, cleaning supplies, a change of clothes, toiletry bag, and so on…
5. Find a sitter
If you have kids and pets, getting a sitter on moving day is pretty much the best thing you can do for your sanity and for your kids. We were lucky to have the help of my parents who watched our boys during moving day. The kids had fun hanging out with their grandparents and cousins, while John and I could focus on moving and unpacking. Without any distractions, I was able to unpack all of our kitchen boxes by the end of moving day. Our old neighbours were kind enough to keep an eye on our cat for the night.

Now, a month later I’m happy to report that we are settled in to our new home. While stressful, the move to our “dream” home was definitely worth it. Especially since we don’t have any plans to move again in the foreseeable future. Guelph’s rich cultural heritage reflects in its homes. Each property was a beautiful confluence of history and modern-day living.

What tips or tricks do you have to share for moving to a new home?
Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Esurance. In exchange for this post, I have received perks in the form of compensation. All opinions on this blog are my own.
Having my son in day care before our cross-country move was such a necessity! It would have been insanity to try and do it all with him underfoot. Even the day we moved he spent the day at day care and we picked him up on our way to the airport!
Beautiful looking home! Congratulations on surviving your move. We’ve moved over 6 times now. Your tips are spot on. My favourite is remember the toilet paper because it is a essential 🙂
I think find a sitter is #1 – moving is stressful enough, you don’t need to be snapping at the kids just because they are being kids. Hiring movers is #2, with everyone so busy these days it is hard to get people to commit to helping you move and following through.
Moving is really stressful. I agree with you. Being organized weeks before moving day. We also made sure everything was hooked up before we moved so there were no hiccups.
I like the moving kit idea! Your new house looks so nice!