It feels like I blinked and 2015 has come and gone. Looking back I think 2015 has been one of my favourite years both personally and professionally that it deserves it’s own blog post; a year in review. Personally, I got to cross off several items from my bucket-list including getting my pre-kids body back (not identical physically but in many possible ways), learning how to use my Nikon DSLR camera properly (i.e. not on “auto” mode) and creating art that I’m proud to hang on the walls of my home. I also got to be a torch-bearer for the Pan Am games in Toronto. Last, but no least, I went to Disney World! I took my family to the happiest place on earth right before the holidays and it was truly magical!
I’m not sure how I’m going to top it off in 2016, but a new year always brings me so much joy. It’s a blank slate filled with hopes, dreams and a fresh start. It’s an opportunity to put behind us those pesky habits we’ve been meaning to drop. Personally, this January will be our 10 year anniversary in our home in Toronto and also my 27th anniversary of moving to Canada. Which is something that I never take for granted, especially now when I think of the many refugees seeking refuge in our country. Professionally, I hope to strike a balance between personal posts and professional posts. I know it’s only a matter of time that either 1) my son will want me to stop writing about him or 2) my kids will stop doing ridiculous things for me to write about.
I’m still amazed that people read (115,000+ blog views) what I write and I appreciate it more than you will ever know. Nothing makes me happier than receiving messages from friends, family, acquaintances or strangers letting me know that something that I wrote struck a cord with them, or that I helped them cope or that I made them feel “not alone.” That’s exactly why I started this blog four years ago.
So without further ado, here are my top posts in 2015, measured by the most amount of views.
- Information on Infant / Child Modeling in Toronto (2012)
- Why we don’t force our kids to hug and kiss their grandparents (2015)
- Gingerbread Village (sponsored post, 2015)
- Today, I failed as a parent (2015)
- Maui with baby, what to see and do (2012)
If you have a personal favourite of mine, I would love to hear what it is.
Happy New Years everyone! Hope 2016 is your best year yet.
I loved your post on child modeling!
“Today I failed as a parent” was a favourite, as I can relate so easily to those feelings – struggling for those few “me” moments and then feeling a bit guilty. At the end of it though, having those me moments sometimes makes me a better dad in the more numerous US moments!
I had to laugh at the auto mode comment for your camera. On my new camera and I cant even find auto mode lol. I need to get glasses that might help but i doubt it! I have enjoyed reading your thoughtful posts and look forward to more in the new year. All the Best for 2016
I first came across your post “Information on Infant / Child Modeling in Toronto” back in 2013 and read it again in 2015. I worked in higher end film/television industry and found this post to be very informative, helpful and realistic. Great job!
That’s so great. I appreciate the feedback 🙂
Such beautiful pictures. You are one of my favourite bloggers. =) Happy New Year to you and your family.
Awww. So sweet of you to say, on both accounts. Happy New years!!!
Happy New Year! Thanks for offering a consistently lovely blog! 🙂 We went to Disney World this year too! My daughter’s first time – it was back in May and still one of her favourite conversation topics! 🙂
Happy New Year and thank you for all that you do! I enjoy your blog 🙂
i’m glad ’15 is over.
You had such a great year! I hope 2016 brings you even better!
I find a New Year always a good time to reflect back and be thankful for all the good things in your life. And to learn from things you could have done better. Now if only I could remember my past year. lol. Thank you for sharing part of your family and life with us. Truly enjoy reading along.
I thoroughly enjoy reading your blog and love the photos you post of your family, they are all so photogenic! I wish you a happy, healthy and successful 2016 🙂
Happy New Year to you and your most beautiful family! Here’s to a grand 2016
Happy New Year! I love all the pictures and stories that you share
Happy New Year to you and your beautiful family,i enjoyed your blog very much and enjoy your posts heres to a fantastic 2016
2015 was not a great year for me, hope it gets better in 2016!