{"id":9692,"date":"2016-08-02T09:23:38","date_gmt":"2016-08-02T13:23:38","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/mayahoodblog.com\/?p=9692"},"modified":"2023-11-09T15:19:31","modified_gmt":"2023-11-09T20:19:31","slug":"3-step-bedtime-routine-baby","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/mayahoodblog.com\/3-step-bedtime-routine-baby\/","title":{"rendered":"The 3-Step Bedtime Routine for your baby"},"content":{"rendered":"
What’s the one thing all parents of newborns have common? Sleep… or lack thereof!\u00a0No wonder the most commonly asked question of newborn parents is sleep related. Questions range from: When can I start sleep training? What method should I use? What’s a good sleep routine? When will my baby start sleeping through the night? And so on… After all, quality sleep is important for physical, emotional and cognitive growth and development for kids and adults alike.<\/p>\n
Kyle helping lotion his brother<\/p><\/div>\n
Having three kids myself I can tell you that it doesn’t get easier and that each kid is different. Just the other day a first-time mom and friend asked me for advice about sleep training her\u00a0baby daughter. While trying to give her the best advice possible, I reminisced about how each one of my kids were different when it came to sleep. My oldest son Kyle, who had colic, only took 20 minute naps during the day but I successfully sleep trained him at 6 months. Ryan, my middle son pretty much napped great and could be put down in his crib and fall asleep on his own accord almost from the start. I never had to sleep train him. Nate, my youngest, refused to sleep through the night until he was a year old but he was always great at falling asleep on his own for both naps and night sleeps.<\/p>\n
The one thing that I did do consistently with each kid was have a bedtime routine. I found that\u00a0consistency is key as it helps your baby identify what is coming up next and they will be more open to the final step, which is SLEEP! Johnson’s 3-step bedtime routine is easy and simple and has been clinically proven to help babies fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer within just one week! Amazing, right? I thought so too… so without further adieu, because I don’t want to stand in the way of your sleep, here are the three steps:<\/p>\n
Johnson’s 3-step Bedtime Routine<\/h3>\n\n
Bath<\/strong> – a warm bath is a great time for some down time with you baby. It’s also a perfect opportunity\u00a0for dads to bond with their little ones and give moms a much-deserved break. Using Johnson’s Bedtime Baby Cleansers helps calm your baby in preparation for sleep. They cleanser is gentle and the scent is soothing. <\/li>\n
Massage<\/strong> – most adults like massages, and babies are no different. What a great way to bond with your baby physically and emotionally. It will become a routine that will look forward to for years to come. Johnson’s Bedtime Baby lotion aromas also help sooth the baby and leave the skin feeling soft and smooth. A nice gentle massage should help get your baby nice and sleepy!<\/li>\n
Quiet Time<\/strong> – Use this time to either read, sing or listen to music together with your baby. What you do here is completely up to you. Our preference has always been to use this time to read some books to the kids. If your preference is music, you can find some great lullabies on the Johnson’s Bedtime app.\u00a0 <\/li>\n<\/ol>\n