{"id":2327,"date":"2013-06-17T08:55:03","date_gmt":"2013-06-17T12:55:03","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/mayahoodblog.com\/?p=2327"},"modified":"2024-03-26T01:24:40","modified_gmt":"2024-03-26T05:24:40","slug":"fathers-day-toronto-style","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/mayahoodblog.com\/fathers-day-toronto-style\/","title":{"rendered":"Father’s Day Toronto Style"},"content":{"rendered":"
For the past three years, we celebrated father’s day up in cottage country.\u00a0 This year, we stayed in the city.\u00a0 So to make the day extra-special, we took-in the city and I had a few special gifts planned for my husband, such as this mens wallet<\/a> from VintageLeather.<\/p>\n Living in the city, it’s hard to enjoy the wildlife without taking a trip to the country.\u00a0 But what most Torontonian’s don’t know is that there’s a piece of wildlife right in our own backyard.<\/p>\n The Leslie Street Spit, is a man-made\u00a0land extension from Lakeshore (and Leslie street) that almost meets the Toronto Islands.\u00a0\u00a0When Toronto\u00a0expanded in the 60’s and 70’s, the split was used as a dumping ground for excess supply of rubble and earth that was dug up for the creation of buildings and\u00a0the subway system. However, if you take a leisurely walk on the peninsula now, you would never imagine that it’s used as a ‘concrete dump’; The area is sprawling with wildlife.\u00a0 It’s amazing to think that plants\u00a0and trees can\u00a0even grow in a place that’s literally built on\u00a0rocks, bricks and rebar.<\/p>\n Living nearby, my husband would frequently run and bike along the 5km strip.\u00a0\u00a0However, this past father’s day, we decided to make it a (urban) family event.\u00a0 After a quick pit-stop at Starbucks, we ventured out to\u00a0take in this awesome oasis with the kids in tow. While we didn’t make it out too far, our stroll\u00a0tingled\u00a0our senses in every way possible.\u00a0 The sight of the lake between the wildlife plants and trees was\u00a0a beautiful contrast\u00a0against the\u00a0bricks lined along the rocks by the water.\u00a0 We spotted a variety of birds along our walk, a bunny and some other critters (but no snake sightings).\u00a0 We stopped at an overlook and had a picnic lunch before making our way back. For the gifts, I incorporated my husband’s two favourite things.\u00a0 His kids and beer!<\/p>\n Gift #1: DIY D-A-D picture<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n While I give myself an A+ in gift-giving, I give myself a D for DIY.\u00a0 I suck at it.\u00a0 I don’t know why since I’m artsy and crafty (or at least I used to be), but it’s true.\u00a0 I rather just buy pre-made gifts like those at https:\/\/giftsflash.com\/necklace-with-picture\/<\/a> that would make anything I hand-made look like trash.\u00a0 However, I have been spending a lot of time on Pinterest lately, and I found a project that even I could do.\u00a0 It incorporated my passion for photography.\u00a0 Simple… or so I thought.\u00a0 I forgot that I will be challenged by a toddler who despises having his picture taken (yes, the same one that used to model for the first 18 months of his life).\u00a0\u00a0The idea was simple.\u00a0 Take pictures of your children holding letters that spell out DAD.\u00a0 Since my son calls my hubby DADA, I thought I would spell that out instead.\u00a0 Over a few days and several takes later, I finally took enough decent pictures to make this gift.<\/p>\n Gift #2: Microbrewery Beer<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n My husband loves beer.\u00a0 Microbrewery is\u00a0trendy and tastes good.\u00a0 It’s fun to try new beer.\u00a0 The LCBO has a great selection of craft beer.\u00a0 That is all!<\/p>\n The beer was perfect for our family\u00a0BBQ dinner where I got to celebrate the two most important dads in my life.\u00a0 My dad who is my hero<\/a>, and my hubby, my sons’ hero!<\/p>\n ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<\/p>\n If you’re interested in checking it out, the Leslie Street Spit (officially the Outer Harbour East Headland<\/b>), is only open to the public from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on weekends and statutory holidays in the summer.\u00a0 For more information check out the website of the friends of the spit<\/a>.<\/p>\n<\/a><\/p>\n