Comments on: Will my kids be proud of me? A blog about parenting, family-friendly travel & product reviews Sat, 16 Nov 2013 03:03:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: Maya Fitz Mon, 11 Nov 2013 05:38:06 +0000 In reply to SusanC.

Thank you so much for your great comment. You wrote it and described it all so eloquently. I totally see and get the difference. And you’re right, we (society and often myself too) undermine the importance of the role of a at-home-mom. Sometimes I foolishly say “I’m JUST a stay at home mom” but it’s not JUST! It’s my job! and I love it and I want to do it. So instead, I should say what you say. Thanks for the reminder.

By: Maya Fitz Mon, 11 Nov 2013 05:35:46 +0000 In reply to Nancy.

I agree that it’s definitely not a possibility for many moms here and around the world, which is very unfortunate. But I also believe that some, even those who do have the option, would still choose work, and that’s okay too. At the end of the da, everyone has to do what’s right from them and their family. If Mom is happy, kids are happy! Thanks for your comment 🙂 I hope they appreciate it as well.

By: Nancy Sun, 10 Nov 2013 23:52:44 +0000 It’s great and healthy for both mom and kids being able to stay at home, it’s very hard not to have that possibility for many many women around the world. I think it should be illegal for women to work on a fix schedule without having the choice to decide her own time, I also think government should allow mom to raise their own children because we are educating the future of the country….I am sure your kids will appreciate it

By: SusanC Sun, 10 Nov 2013 22:00:28 +0000 Early on, I decided not to use the term “stay-at-home mom” but I do use something similar: “at-home mom.” It’s a small distinction, but I realized that, much of the time, I didn’t “stay” at home with my kids—-we went out a lot. We went to the library, the grocery store, the park, the drop-in centre. We went to a friend’s house, we walked around the block, or further, depending on weather and tired wee legs.

And when people asked if I work, I would say “Yes, I’m an at-home mom.” If they asked about when I was going to go “back to work” I would point out that I was already working. After all, nannies and day care staff are considered to be working. Sometimes I thought about going back to paid work, and now that my youngest is off to school (really off—he’s in first year university!) I’m thinking about it even more.

I know these can seem like very picky differences, but I found that they made a difference in the way I thought about my contribution to our family, and to the world. So people talk about how important mothers are, and what an important job we do—and then they talk about us going “back to work.” I think we are doing important work. The pay sucks, and the hours are long. But it’s important work nonetheless.

By: Maya Fitz Wed, 06 Nov 2013 15:40:21 +0000 In reply to lindsay.

thanks for your comment. I haven’t even thought about going back to work so I haven’t even asked my oldest what he thinks about that. I’m curious to see his reaction. at least you’ll always know that they do appreciate it NOW, even if down the road things look different to them.

By: lindsay Wed, 06 Nov 2013 15:17:23 +0000 Great post! I have the exact same worries. I also decided to become a SAHM when my twins were born, and I have yet to return to the workforce (they just turned 3). I love that I’m able to be with them all day, play with them, teach them and I especially love that I was and will continue to be able to see them reach every big milestone. Right now they love that I’m with them all day. When I ask them if I should go back to school or work, they break down and cry. I hope they’ll still think this highly of me in a few years down the road.
