Ten reason why being a stay-at-home mom is tougher than being a CEO.
1. You do the job of twenty but without pay!
2. Your subordinates can’t talk or properly articulate what they need. They often shout or throw a tantrum to get things done, they are constantly late, and they need your undivided attention 24/7. Basically, you end up working for them.
3. You don’t get any perks like a luxury travel or a private jet. In fact, you’re expected to be a chauffeur and typically the company car is a minivan.
4. You don’t get any sick-days.
5. If you screw-up your job, instead of receiving a sweet compensation (I.e. golden parachute) due to termination, you receive a call from Children’s Aid Society.
6. Because you’re home all day, your spouse doesn’t understand why the house isn’t spotless or why dinner isn’t made.
7. Lunch meetings consist of picking up spilled food from the floor or cleaning puke and / or spit-up from your clothes.
8. Play dates (with other SAHMs) are often taunted by the “media” as an easy day with the kids. But really, they are meetings for us moms to share strategies and best practices.
9. It’s frowned upon when you’re “caught” on the phone and you can’t spend a good part of your day looking at the computer screen while working.
10. As CEO you don’t need to wipe anyone’s butt!
damn straight ! 🙂
luv it! 🙂 spot on
sooooo funny
I love being a SAHM, but there are definitely days where being back at work would be a break for my sanity
100% I prefer being a SAHM vs working… but it’s def hard. but so much more rewarding than working
Awesome!!! 🙂
that’s so true!!!!!! got to love being a mom
This article was so spot on. I really enjoyed reading it. 🙂