Creating and decorating a Gingerbread house has been something my husband and his family have done for years. It was part of their Christmas tradition. When I started joining them for the holidays, I joined in on the fun, obsessively figuring out where to place the candy and how to make it look pretty. I quickly realized that half of the fun was eating the candy off the house a few days later. However, the last couple of years before we had any kids, we sort of stopped making Gingerbread houses. The ingredients (aka candy) was heavy and cumbersome to carry while trekking for more than a kilometer through a foot of snow from the car to the cottage.
With the birth of our oldest son Kyle, we knew we had to bring back the tradition! Our oldest boys, Kyle and Ryan, have so much fun making the Gingerbread house every year and just last week Kyle was asking when we can do it again. I know that this year, Nate, who is only 15 months old currently, will be joining them as well. Although, I presume he’ll be doing more eating than actually decorating.
Gingerbread Village
Making Gingerbread houses is fun for the entire family and that’s why Loblaws has created a life-sized gingerbread village at the Maple Leaf Gardens location (60 Carlton Street, Toronto). Festival holiday activities for the whole family include gingerbread cookie decorating, creating letters to Santa and the chance to try delicious holiday treats. The best part is that admission to the village is free of charge.
The village will be open every weekend from November 28 until December 20 from 10 AM to 6 PM and on December 22nd and 23rd from 10 AM to 6 PM. For a charitable donation of just $5 to President’s Choice Children’s Charity, you can decorate a cookie and get a photo with Santa.
Here are some additional details on what you can expect:
Seasonal Selfie Station
Forget those old family photos in ugly holiday sweaters. At the Holiday Gingerbread Village, bring your family for a fun-filled seasonal selfie. With candy-canes and holiday cheer in the background, and giant gingerbread houses all around, it’s the perfect chance for a festive photo to send to all your relatives for the holidays.
Toasty, Tasty Treats
Hosting family for the holidays? Now more than ever, it can be tricky to find a new and exciting dish to serve. Why not search for festive features at the Holiday Gingerbread Village. Free samples at the Holiday Gingerbread Village will include brie with red pepper Jelly on an ACE bread crisp, and treats from the PC Insiders Collection, including the PC The Decadent Chocolate Cherry Loaf with butter.
Winter Warmers
Warm up with a DIY Hot Chocolate and Apple Cider Stand complete with marshmallows, whipped cream and cinnamon sticks.
To help you with your holiday food and entertaining shopping, one lucky Mayahood blog reader will win a $100 President’s Choice Gift Card. Enter the giveaway via Rafflecopter (please give it a few seconds to load). Contest is open to all residents of Canada. Contest ends Friday December 11, 2015.
My favourite tradition is putting up the tree with my family. We eat cookies and have hot chocolate, it’s lots of fun.
Favourite holiday traditions is giving Chocolate letters to the children
The 12 meatless dishes we have on Christmas Eve
i love cuddling up in jammies and watching movies with the kids
We also go to a restaurant on Christmas Eve with my parents and then back to my house where the kids get to open their presents from Grandma and Poppa.
My favorite holiday tradition is playing board games with the whole family.
I love decorating the tree as we remember where each ornament came from.
We pick up Chinese Food on Christmas Eve and open one gift each.
I like us to get a real tree, and have a night to decorate. As well every year to get in the holiday mood my gal pals have a treats exchange.
Decorating the tree for sure
My favourite tradition would be spending that quality time together putting up the tree and decorating it. Also on chroatmas eve… We always open one gift, (the kids) that we give them and it usually has christmas pjs and a hot chocolate packet and a snack that they can enjoy before watching a christmas movie , reading the night before christmas, and going to bed. 🙂
This year I have two step kids and a new baby so it makes it more exciting for me and my boys 🙂
The Newfie Meal my Mom makes for Christmas Dinner.
My fave is decorating the tree with my little guys
Baking cookies every year with my boys as we watch the Santa Claus Parade on TV!
My favorite tradition is baking everyone’s favorite goodies 🙂 Especially making cookies with my nieces and nephews.
My favourite holiday tradition is baking lots of cookies for the family!
I love baking cookies with the kids and decorating them. We always give them to our neighbours as a tradition.
My favourite holiday tradition is decorating the tree and the rest of the house with the family while getting in the mood with a full playlist of Christmas songs 🙂
I love Kris Kringle!
We love to decorate the house as a family! It is always so much fun
baking cookies
Decorating a gingerbread house & making cookies with my sons
christmas morning breakfast with my family
Our annual tree trimming party.
Now I want jelly tots
Christmas Eve service
Our family traditions are decorating the tree as a family and baking cookies
My favourite holiday tradition is holiday baking with my mom and sister.
pyjamas hot chocolate a christmas bed then santa
We like decorating the Christmas tree together while singing and listening to Christmas music!
our favorite tradition is opening a gift on christmas eve. Usually it consists of pj’s and a dvd to watch that night
Favorite holiday tradition has to be the fresh hot out of the oven blueberry muffins EVERY Christmas morning. We were not allowed to open any gifts or see the tree till we had breakfast….It made the suspense and final reveal so exciting. I continued this tradition with my daughter so it is part of us and Christmas would not be the same without it!
Baking Shortbread cookies, with the recipe that has been handed down in my family from my great-grandmother.
Making gingerbread houses with my boys every Christmas eve
baking with my mom
Decorating the Christmas tree
Presents on Christmas morning!
We go to my father’s house on Christmas eve and on Christmas day i host dinner here.
when we all gather around the tree and have the lil ones play santa, we make a big mess, sing some karaoke and then clean it all up the next morning
My favourite holiday tradition is Christmas Eve dinner at my parent’s house!
grabbing hot chocolates and driving around looking at the christmas light displays
We decorate the tree having hot chocolate & listening to oldies xmas music. Then we watch Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. It’s a tradition!
Mmmm, baking gingerbread and shortbread with my daughters.
We make gingerbread men for stringing on the tree.
Christmas eve is chinese food night, and we watch Christmas movies and everyone gets to open one gift!
We have a family gathering on boxing day night, any and all are welcome.
My favorite holiday tradition is Christmas eve pajamas and watching Christmas movies. My second favorite is having my son choose 1 toy he receives at Christmas, rewrapping it and donating it at the local women’s shelter.
Our favourite holiday tradition is making sugar cookies and watching Polar Bear Express with the kids…and then it’s a Wonderful Life after the kids go to bed on Christmas Eve. In the morning, we have a cup of Starbucks Christmas blend and open toys with the kids. For every new toy they receive they must choose a gently used toy to donate.
Every year on christmas eve we build our gingerbread house! Thanks! Happy Holidays!
I loved going to my grandmas for Christmas Eve dinner, and while we were there, Santa would have came to our house, so we celebrated Christmas on Christmas Eve.
My favourite holiday tradition is doing the holiday baking, love the time spend in the kitchen making all the special treats!
When my daughter was younger maybe twenty five years or so we started to bake together. Every year we do our Holiday baking, Last year her & her family were not able to come into town early for Christmas,so we Face-time doing the same recipes. When she came in town we shared our baking. Love that we could still carry it on!
Decorating the tree together while listening to Christmas music. (And if there’s a snow gently falling outside the window, all the better!)
Putting up the tree!
Exchanging family gifts on Christmas Eve
Decorating my wheelchair with Christmas lights!
My favourite tradition is watching Christmas movies while we wrap presents.
– amber y
My favourite tradition is the holiday baking!
Christmas morning after all the presents are opened in our pj’s, everyone is snuggling/relaxing for the rest of the day enjoying each others company and the gifts
I love decorating cookies and decorating the Christmas tree (and when I wrap gifts, I always watch the Christmas specials that my kids hate but I love!)
Getting new pajamas for christmas eve then snuggling up to watch a christmas classic!
It would be great to win a $100 President’s Choice Gift Card.
In response to your question of
What’s your favourite holiday tradition?
My favourite holiday tradition is decorating my Christmas tree.
Thank you for having this giveaway.
our special Christmas eve dinner
Family gatherings!
My favourite holiday tradition is pulling party crackers!
Oops, mistyped my username.
baking cookies as a family
My favourite family tradition on Christmas is dinner at my parents house.
to get a real tree, and have a night to decorate
My favorite tradition is putting the stockings out. My kids are teens now, but they still look forward to Santa visiting and getting surprises! I love seeing them light up with happiness.
Singing carols…and really badly!!
My favourite tradition is watching old Christmas movies with the family on Christmas Eve.
My favorite tradition is the annual Knox United Church X-mas concert. I was in it with my brothers and sisters, and now my nieces and nephews are in it.
Favorite tradition is watching my kids play at the outdoor rink every Xmas eve
My favourite holiday tradition is taking the family on a horse drawn carriage ride to see the xmas lights in the park.
every christmas eve we walk around niagara falls and lookat the festival lights
Cookie Decorating and our city santa claus parade!
My favourite holiday tradition is decorating the Christmas tree as a family.
i like to fry the turkey outside.
every year we make christmas morning wife saver and have a pajama party on Christmas eve. Always my favorite traditions.
singing christmas carols on christmas eve.
My favorite holiday tradition is getting together with family, having Xmas dinner, and spending quality time together. We always pick names each year for the adults for gift giving, and keep the focus on the kids. We also have an ugly christmas sweater tradition which is a lot of fun too! Happy Holidays everyone!
I love the 12 ukrainian meatless dishes at my mother in laws on xmas eve!
My favourite tradition is putting up the tree with my grandkids
My favourite is making cinnamon rolls Christmas morning and yes the easy ones, they are great for munching on with coffee while opening gifts!!
I like playing Christmas songs on the piano
Fav holiday tradition is going skating & then coming home for hot chocolate
Cutting down a Christmas tree as a family.
Festive food and family time gathering round the Christmas tree is my fave tradition.
Taking a walk on Christmas Eve to look at the decorations and lights.
My fav tradition is decorating cookies as a family.
Favourite tradition is the entire family baking xmas goodies and meat pies together. I have so many great memories.
What I love the most is family gathering together to enjoy the festive season. I have 7 children and 7 (soon to be 8) grandchildren scattered across 3 continents and it would be a dream come true to have all of them together for Christmas one year.
I love baking and decorating for Christmas.
Big family lunch on Christmas day
My favorite holiday tradition is to go to mass on Christmas eve, with the entire family.
I love opening one gift Christmas eve. Turkey dinner is pretty great too!
building gingerbread houses and opening 1 gift after midnight
Watching National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation & drinking Hot chocolate from Moose Mug 🙂
My community attends Christmas mass in the evenings in the Philippines after which they stroll around the town to enjoy the night market that sells pancakes on banana leaves. During this time, my family prepares for the Christmas Eve midnight feast and gives last minute gifts to people on the list. Weeks earlier, we’d have put up the the musical Christmas lights, wreaths, Christmas village and stockings we had as children (that was made for us from the USA). We also clean our home as we expect guests to come on Christmas day to visit and eat. We savour these moments as they are gone too soon before we had time to appreciate family and friends coming together to celebrate the season with us.
Gathering with our families, when it was still an option. Now we are too far away…
I like decorating the Christmas tree the best!
My fave holiday tradition is baking cookies with my mom.
Getting a fresh Christmas tree!
Opening new pj’s on Christmas eve
decorating our Christmas tree
My favourite holiday tradition is making Tourtière with my mom.
My favourite holiday tradition is opening up one present each on Christmas Eve!
I love our tradition of all the adults stuffing each others stocking. It’s so fun!
baking cookies
decorating the tree
I love decorating the Christmas Tree.
I love picking up our tree with the family.
putting up our Christmas tree, and decorating it!
My favorite holiday tradition is decorating the tree and house for Christmas with my daughter. I still have homemade ornaments from my childhood. We love to open the boxes of decorations and find all the surprises inside!
We go ice skating on Christmas eve!
Cooking with family <3
Watching Christmas movies and decorating the tree.
We go to my aunt’s house for a family get together and my cousin dresses up as santa and gives out gifts to everyone!
Decorating the tree
Decorating the tree , making a ginger bread house and snow men , also family dinner on christmas day
Decorating the tree on my parents anniversary. It’s Dec 5th.
I always cook a big breakfast on Christmas morning
My favourite holiday tradition is decorating the tree!
I love having a christmas movie night in out jammies on christmas eve
Turkey Dinner!
Baking with my family
Holiday decorating such a family bonding time
opening 1 gift on christmas eve
My favourite tradition is going to the local tree farm and cutting down our tree and going for brunch.
Breakfast iwth my family
My favourite tradition is baking all the cookies for family and friends!
I love Christmas crackers!
My favourite tradition is building the gingerbread house!
Decorating the Christmas tree together.
Doing a cookie exchange with my friends!
I love setting up the tree together!
Checking out the Christmas lights and decorations.
My favorite tradition is decorating our home with festive ornaments
My favourite holiday tradition is taking my daughter for a picture with Santa.
Happy Hanukkah, Maya!
We’ve always done the typical Christmas-y stuff (for non-religious, traditional reasons). This year for the first time ever, we’re incorporating some Hanukkah festivities too! I asked my sister’s (Jewish) boyfriend to tell the kids about Hanukkah and share some of his family traditions with them, and he kindly obliged 🙂 Today the kids made the paper plate &clothespins menorahs that you posted on here a few days ago and they absolutely loved making them! Tomorrow we’re going to play dreidel and eat potato latkes – I’m so excited!
Awww. Love that. How amazing and good for you!!! Your kids are better for it… I promise you that. Teaching them about religions and cultures is the best thing you can do. Thanks for sharing.
Every year my extended family comes together for an evening. I love getting to see all my cousins and have all of our kids play together. I look forward to it every year.
Thanks to the Sponsor for giving and you for hosting.
Besos, Sarah
Journeys of The Zoo
My favorite is decorating the tree.
Putting up the treeeee!
baking cookies together
opening up presents a day early
Our tradition is getting new pjs Christmas eve and watching Christmas movies.
Family time christmas morning – opening gifts and eating….
Matching Christmas PJ’s opened on Christmas Eve
Baking Christmas cookies with my mom.
My favourite holiday tradition is baking gingerbread cookies with my family 🙂
my favorite holiday tradition is baking cookies together, and opening presents Christmas morning
Opening one gift Christmas eve 🙂
Spending the entire day in our jammies on Christmas day.
Hanging out with my family 🙂
Spending time with family.
Spending the day with my entire family on Christmas eve
My favourite tradition is baking holiday treats with my kids.
My favourite tradition is baking and decorating gingerbread houses.
Decorating the house together.