Comments on: Don’t feel sad for me because I’m having three boys! A blog about parenting, family-friendly travel & product reviews Thu, 26 Jun 2014 00:36:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lisa Giewercer Thu, 26 Jun 2014 00:36:18 +0000 My favorite is lion king

By: Jenna Em Sun, 22 Jun 2014 23:51:14 +0000 Congratulations on a new baby to love; you are one lucky mama! As the mom of 5 kids – 4 of which are boys – I always get asked if my only daughter was #5 and if I was “trying” for a girl. (She was #2, by the way.) Total strangers can be very nervy with their questions.

By: Michella Sun, 22 Jun 2014 03:15:18 +0000 We have four girls, ages two, nearly five, nearly five (twins) and seven. Before knowing what I know now, I imagined that it would be nice to have both boys and girls – so I can understand sentiments to that effect. But now that we have them, I love the happy and inseparable little gang my husband and I have brought into the world; and I love that our house is filled with dollies, dress-up, singing, dancing, chaos, Lego – and cars and trains too. I think the universe gives us exactly what we need – or perhaps we learn to need exactly what the universe gives us.

We get comments aplenty about our little foursome from friends, family and strangers alike. Much of the jibing or mock-pity is directed at my husband. He just smiles and says it’s fantastic to be surrounded by beautiful women, or that he’ll be well looked-after in his old age. I don’t mind the comments either, not in the least. Rather, I welcome them. I am proud of our family, I love to talk about them, and I love the chance to send a zinger or two back in response. It is the art of conversation, which seems to be slowly withering in this world of tweeting, blogging, ranting, and political correctness. I really feel that most people are simply trying to connect in some way and are not intending to be unkind. Some people are, however, blessed with more graciousness than others. Regardless of their talent in this area or lack of, I would rather choose to see the best in everyone, have a private giggle or two at the more entertaining remarks, and not get my feathers all ruffled by an innocent and well-meaning person. It makes my day happier – and hopefully theirs too.

By: Bella Sat, 21 Jun 2014 01:52:51 +0000 Cool indeed to have 3 boys! I have 2 boys and my brother has 3 boys and it’s so fun to watch them all play! My oldest nephew also said when when my second boy was born! It really irks me too when people tell me I should try for a girl…no way! If I’m going to have another (which I’m not) it will be to have another child regardless of gender, besides incase people forgot…we Don’t get to choose & shouldn’t be playing roulette with precious little lives! My Mum who is a proud Gramma of 5 boys also gets peeved when people tell her she must wish she had a grand daughter…she says No I love all my boys to bits! I’m glad to hear there are people out there who are not obsessed with a particular gender! Thanks for sharing your feelings!

By: Courtney Fri, 20 Jun 2014 19:45:44 +0000 Great post! I have 2 boys myself and wouldn’t have it any other way. I get asked daily if we are going to try for a girl and the answer is NO!

By: Gina Bell Fri, 20 Jun 2014 17:46:52 +0000 Congratulations! Three boys make an awesome family. 🙂

By: Tracy Trask Fri, 20 Jun 2014 15:53:39 +0000 I also have two boys and pretty sure we are going for baby #3 and that alone gets so many comments! “Three? Why would you want a third?!” How about none of your business. I also get the comments of “try for a girl”, honestly I love that they share hand me downs but it bothers me that everyone assumes we would have a third only in hopes of a girl this time how do they know we don’t want three boys! I love the idea of a big family regardless of sex and people should really keep their comments to themselves!

By: Christine Lee-McNaughton Fri, 20 Jun 2014 15:19:56 +0000 Congrats, lovely!!! You have a beautiful family! So very excited for you…and you are BLESSED! All boys is cool!! Kids are all blessings…no matter what gender. 🙂

By: Jules Fri, 20 Jun 2014 11:02:51 +0000 I can understand how you feel. I am the mom of one little boy and I am often asked the question of when the next one is coming. When I say its just him i get the same reaction from people. i think it is wonderful you are having another boy. The toys are so much fun and I love the energy little boys bring to the table.

By: felicitykind Thu, 19 Jun 2014 13:32:51 +0000 Maya, your family is lovely, and I absolutely agree with your perspective. Each child is a blessing! Congratulations on another boy! Boys are totally cool 🙂 xoxo
