Comments on: Passover, you really need to step it up. A blog about parenting, family-friendly travel & product reviews Thu, 25 Apr 2013 20:31:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: Irit Tue, 02 Apr 2013 13:26:09 +0000 In reply to Maya Fitz.

Definitely up to us to create traditions and make it fun for our kids, especially when living in a community that has other religions with fun traditions involved. Maybe for you it means 8 gifts on Hannuka (since they’d be getting so many from the Xmas side of things). Or on sukkot, maybe it means a tent sleepover party (indoors if it’s too cold and you can make a tent out of different things in the house and eat inside the tent!). For Purim a dress-up party for the kids and their friends with lots of goodies for mishloach manot (that’s what we did this year), etc. Like you said, The true Easter has nothing to do with chocolate eggs, but some clever Christian thought “let’s step it up a notch and make this fun for our kids”! It’s up to parents to make and continue traditions in our own home. If we don’t, no one else will! 😉

By: Maya Fitz Mon, 01 Apr 2013 20:47:55 +0000 In reply to Irit.

To be honest, growing up, not knowing about Easter, I never even questioned the fun factor of Passover. But now that it’s in “competition” with Easter, I have to admit, there’s something more appealing to Easter (from a kid’s perspective, nothing to do with the religious element). I guess to be fair, Easter is now celebrated as a Halmark holiday, a far cry from what the original celebration intended, I assume. It’s all about creating new traditions and like you said, it’s up to the parents to do that. I love the idea of the matzah house. I saw pictures and recipe’s of that going around. I will def. step it up a notch next year so that for my kids it’ll be as exciting (if not more) than Easter!

By: Irit Mon, 01 Apr 2013 19:20:45 +0000 What about making Passover at your place a little more exciting. It’s up to parents to make the holidays fun! For example, perhaps your afikoman is chocolate covered, and once the kid finds it they get a present. This year we made a kick ass matza house glued together with chocolate spread and tons of different candies/goodies making up the door, trees, etc! Maybe it’s not “Passover” that needs to step it up but the parent!? 😉
