Welcome to a new year. Some of us view it as a clean slate and a new beginning. I prefer to think of it as another day. Why? Because if you want to make a change, or start something new, it doesn’t matter WHEN you do it. The important thing is to do it. That’s because it’s more about ambitions, goals, and intentions. Starting something January 1st doesn’t mean it will stick if you’re not committed to it and if your heart isn’t really in it. The best thing to do is just start. Regardless of the date. That’s what happened to me when almost a year ago, in mid February, I started my health and wellness journey. The point of all of this is to say that while some people like to make resolutions, I prefer to reflect. I reflect back on the past year’s lessons learned, and knowledge gained, so I can apply them going forward. So when I reflect back, here’s what I know.
¥ Prioritize yourself. The basic principle to personal finances is to ‘pay yourself first’. Same is true to self care. Prioritize yourself first. It’s not being selfish, it’s going to be your key to happiness. Carve out time in the day to do something you love or something that is good for you. For me, it’s been my daily workouts. Trust me, I still don’t fully feel like doing them, but I pull through knowing it’s the best thing I’m doing for myself physically, mentally and emotionally. I’m much more patient and happy these days. I have more energy to put out and give others because I’ve already put time into myself. I realize that this isn’t for everyone. It took until all 3 of my boys were in school to finally do this. This might not be the right time for you but even if you can prioritize yourself and your needs once a week, or even once a month, it’s a start.
¥ Do what makes you happy. Similar to the point above, when you do what makes you happy, you’re able to give out more positive energy to everyone else around you. For me that means more alone time. So when my kids get home from school, I can give them some undivided attention. So whether that means grabbing weekly coffee dates with your friends, going on long runs, painting, or some retail therapy, carve out some time to do what makes you, and your soul, happy.
¥ Don’t sweat the Small things. The dishes in the sink? The messy house? The pile of laundry that need to be done? None of this really matters (unless it gives you anxiety, then it matters). You’ll never look back at life and remember how clean your house always looked. Memories are made up of moments with loved ones, strangers, and neighbours. Instead of worrying about the little things, make sure you’ve filled a void in the world. Maybe that means playing with your kids for 5 minutes (that’s pretty much my max), volunteering, meeting up with your friends and giving them a listening ear. It doesn’t need to be big or complicated. Simple is best. Just remember that people matter! Their feelings matter – material things don’t.
¥ Always be kind. You don’t know what (internal or external) battle people are going through. This became very evident to me when I learned about my friends’ marriages ending. I never saw any of them coming. Being kind means that you could be the sunshine in their otherwise crappy day. In the same token, smile. It costs nothing and it’s easy to do. The world is full of negativity, the one thing we could use more of is positivity.
¥ Be inspired. I lead a simple life. Nothing about me or my story is exceptional. So I thrive on seeking out inspiration from things and people around me. It makes me want to be a better person and live a more fulfilling life. If you’re looking for some inspiration too, you need to follow these people: @mscmommylife. A friend and someone I connected with instantly. Renee shares her story about living with metastatic breast cancer. Her message of hope and love is so positive and real. If she can wake up every day and smile and be happy, we all could and should! If you’re an entrepreneur, you need to follow @theggsisters.
Laura & Josie share honestly about their struggles and triumphs as small business owners. Being a business owner demands a multifaceted skill set and a comprehensive grasp of effective strategies. In this context, exploring Kiana Danial’s Invest Diva review can provide valuable insights and perspectives to enhance your understanding of financial strategies and investment opportunities within the entrepreneurial landscape. And to empower yourself with the knowledge and tools essential for success in this dynamic landscape, attending a Power BI training workshop can prove invaluable, equipping you with the data analytics and visualization capabilities necessary to make informed decisions and drive your business forward.
They share business tid bits weekly and daily behind the scenes look into their daily life as parents, boss babes and hustlers. They also share their trusted consultants that give them advice on health and safety for small businesses. Ana from @bluebirdkisses also started her wellness journey around the same time I did. But her dedication to her fitness and diet routine is truly inspiring. She shares her journey and several delicious recipes on her blog. She’s also a fellow mom to 3 boys 💙 And for keeping it real when it comes to parenthood, just follow moi.
So here’s to a fulfilling, successful, happy & healthy 2019. I hope it’s full of hope, promise & happy surprises!
So I want to know… do you have a resolution or a reflection for the New Year?
Very insightful and thought provoking piece- thanks Maya and happy new year!