Comments on: My son weaned off the pacifier by himself A blog about parenting, family-friendly travel & product reviews Sun, 06 Oct 2013 20:02:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: Maya Fitz Sun, 06 Oct 2013 20:02:27 +0000 In reply to

yes… the great old thumb vs. dummie debate. Hopefully he’ll outgrow it just like most kids outgrow using their pacifiers. It’s a bit trickier taking their fingers away 😉 good luck & keep us posted

By: Tue, 01 Oct 2013 08:04:16 +0000 My son has never used a pacifier (or dummy, as we call them in the UK), but he’s constantly sucking on two of his fingers. He’s not yet 18 months so I’m not overly concerned just yet, but at some point we’ll have to try to address it!

By: Maya Fitz Fri, 27 Sep 2013 16:46:53 +0000 In reply to christinemcn.

Isn’t amazing how kids can adjust quickly? much better than adults I think 😉

By: christinemcn Fri, 27 Sep 2013 15:18:11 +0000 Awwww! Wow! You know, my little one was using her pacifier until she was 2. I got a lot of flack from people telling me how bad it was and that I wasn’t parenting the right way, yadda yadda yadda. We went to Montreal for Christmas just after she turned 2 and I purposefully left her soothers at home. Actually, I kept 2 in the suitcase just in case. I told her that Mommy had forgotten them at home and we were far, far away from home. She cried and cried and wanted her soother. The first night was hell. The second not so bad. By night 3, she was all good. No more soother after that.

By: Support Wed, 25 Sep 2013 03:47:33 +0000 In reply to Steph Bkn.

Hi Steph,
Thanks for sharing your story with me. Yes, there is definitely no rush. I honestly see such a change in his behaviour and I’m sure that if he still had the pacifier, he’s be so much better at self soothing. But c’est la vie. we can’t have it all, can we? lol The fact that it’s already down to just sleep time is a huge step. If that was the case for us, I wouldn’t care at all when he’s stop using it and the only reason we did care was because the dentist told us. The best advice I can give you is to ensure that the decision is your child’s or that he has input into it. It’ll make things so much easier for everyone. Check out Alyson Schafer, she’s our go-to parent guru and she’s so straight forward and smart. I’m sure she has a thing or two to say about pacifier weaning. Good-luck and keep me posted.

By: Steph Bkn Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:24:49 +0000 Thanks for posting this article! My son is 3 1/2 & exactly like you described, one in his mouth & one in each hand. I just don’t want to be that horrible mother that takes all of them away at once. Like yourself, it doesn’t bother my husband or me that he still has it & we have got it to the point now where he only has them when he’s not feeling well or for bedtime as a self soother, no pun intended there 😉 I bought him a Curious George sock monkey in an attempt to replace them last years. An exchange attempt much like the fairy you had planned on his 3rd birthday. At first it was an easy sell but things quickly changed when reality set in that the monkey meant no soothers, lets just say I broke down. Its taken a bit but hes finally now at the point where at bed, he’s more adamant that he has George rather than a ‘ninny’ which he came to on his own terms. I’m struggling with getting rid of them all together though, all at once, we’ve tried getting rid of all of them in the house, but somehow he always haa a secret stash. It’s just nice to see an article from a mom who is okay with soothers and understands it needs to be on gradual terms and at thier own pace. Here’s hoping that the night time soother routine will soon dwindle for us too 😉
