Comments on: My son potty trained himself A blog about parenting, family-friendly travel & product reviews Tue, 10 Sep 2013 13:43:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: keepingthemeinmommy Tue, 10 Sep 2013 13:43:40 +0000 Thanks for sharing. It is so true that there is so much pressure and competition around potty training. I am inclined to be with you, the no rush, do-it-when they-are-older-and-interested approach. As my son was approaching 2 1/2, I fell into the trap and started a potty incentive plan a couple of months ago but now it has fallen to the wayside as he is just not interested and I am not interested in pushing. Thanks for the positive feedback that I am ok in choosing that path!

By: Nancy Tue, 10 Sep 2013 12:17:18 +0000 In reply to Maya Fitz.

She was about 2. We had tried a couple of times without success when she expressed an interest earlier than 2, but we let it go because I was due with her brother a couple months after she turned 2 and I didn’t want to be worrying about potty training and dealing with a newborn (2 kids in diapers suited me just fine). Then, wouldn’t you know it, she jumped on the potty training band wagon full steam ahead right around her second birthday and all I could think was this was going to take a while and it would run into the arrive of the new baby. But it didn’t. A couple of days and she was good to go.
Thank you! And congrats to you, too! I have also voted for you. 🙂

By: Maya Fitz Mon, 09 Sep 2013 18:48:25 +0000 In reply to Nancy.

haha. I love that. I heard that typically, girls potty train sooner than boys. how old was your daughter? ps. congrats on making the top 25 cdn bloggers list in circle of moms. I’ve voted for you a few times now 🙂

By: Nancy Mon, 09 Sep 2013 18:25:30 +0000 Potty training was kind of a natural thing in my house, too. We instructed my daughter on the process, then we left her alone. Within two days, she was telling her pee to wait until she pulled her pants down and sat on the potty. This little conversation she had with herself each time she felt like she had to pee was very entertaining to people behind us in the grocery store check-out. 😉
