I can’t remember how I first heard of Alyson Schafer, but as soon as I did, I went out and purchased her books. While I was super eager and ready to get some great parenting advice, I was also a busy mom of a toddler and a newborn with little time to read. Luckily, a short time after picking up Alyson’s books she was was giving a speaking engagement at a local school. I was so excited and made the time to attend her session. The session was fantastic. I don’t think I was able to write fast enough to take down all of the key information. Besides jotting down all of her amazing and helpful advice, I found Alyson to be very relatable. Her examples and speaking style were humorous and helpful. It was also great to be able to ask Alyson specific questions about our own family situations. I couldn’t wait to get home and tell my husband John about everything I learned.
John was instantly hooked and he opened up one of Alyson Schafer’s books that night and read it until the wee hours of the morning. A few months later, my husband and I both attended another one of Alyson’s speaking engagement. It was great reinforcement for what we had read. To this day, we follow (as best as we can) her parenting advice and techniques and we often find ourselves saying “WWASD” (“What would Alyson Schafer do?”) to help us figure out how we should approach specific scenarios with our kids.
Here’s the thing… parenting is hard and it doesn’t come with a manual. Rather than resorting to yelling or fighting when your kids are being tough, Alyson’s approach teaches you a new way to empower your kids, making them feel important and respected, allowing you to avoid or limit misbehaviour.
I love Alyson’s methods and approach to parenting. She teaches parents how to effectively raise children who are caring, co-operative and responsible. I always recommend her to other parents who seek parenting advice. So if you’re like me, and rather learn by listening and participating instead of just reading, then you need to attend Alyson’s upcoming two-day boot camp session in Toronto, November 1st and 2nd.
Details on the Parenting Boot Camp
Alyson’s Parenting Boot camp is a one weekend intensive parenting seminar designed for parents of children ages 18 months to 10 years.
You’ll leave feeling confident about your parenting and knowing:
- Your parenting style
- The trouble with using a punishment and reward system of discipline
- The difference between obedience and co-operation in children
- Understanding WHY children misbehave
- Tools to respond and prevent misbehaviour
Alyson will show you how to deal with:
- Dawdling
- Tantrums
- Sibling fighting
- Nap and bedtimes that stick
- Giving a child responsibility for chores and school work
To find out more and to purchase a ticket to the bootcamp, go here: http://alysonschafer.com/workshops/alysons-parenting-boot-camp/
Purchase your tickets by October 24th to take advantage of the EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT (15% off)!
This would have been fun to read when my kids were little. A must for my cousin right now.