For all the slack that Facebook receives, for all of the bad that it sometimes causes, there’s also a lot of good that comes from Facebook. Namely – reuniting with old friends and people from your past.
I have three main types of friends on Facebook
1. My close friends that I see and speak to on a regular basis
2. Friends from the past that I used to be close with that I no longer see or speak with for one reason or another.
3. People that I’ve met once or twice that I’m “friends” with mostly for stalking purposes.
However, my favourite thing is when I reunite with friends that fall into the second category. This happened to me for the first time 6 years ago when I reconnected with an old neighborhood friend that I was best friends with in grade school. We lost touch when she moved away with her family. Through Facebook we were able to reconnect, have stayed in touch and even attended each other’s wedding!
Most recently, I reunited with some friends from elementary school. Through Facebook we all found each other. Even though two of them no longer live in Toronto, we figured out that we’re all going to be in town at the same time so we made plans for dinner. While I keep in touch with one of them, I haven’t seen my one friend for over 15 years and the other, I only see on occasion. It was amazing catching up, as if no time has passed at all (except, so much time has passed and so much has happened).
These girls are the first people I met when I moved to Canada as an 8 year old. They immediately took me in as one of the “girls” and didn’t mind that I hardly spoke any English. With only 6 girls in a class of approximately 20 grade three students, it meant a lot to me to become friends with them, especially as an immigrant.
As my husband would say, this chance meeting is a Facebook Miracle! (this has to be said in the “Costanza Festivus Miracle voice“ of course).
Have you experienced any Facebook Miracles?