Many people probably don’t realize this, but blogging isn’t just about writing fun posts. That’s definitely a big part of it, but there’s also an administrative side. I spend a lot of time working with companies, gathering stats, managing giveaways and replying to e-mails. Lots and lots of e-mails. I’ve recently witnessed a new phenomenon in my e-mails. For some reason, I write the word “just” over and over again. For example:
“I’m JUST checking in to make sure you received my last e-mail since I haven’t heard back from you in a week” OR
“Sorry I didn’t get back to you sooner. I was JUST busy with my family” OR “JUST wanted to let you know that…” and so on.

Sorry, I’m not sorry. I’m busy spending time with my kids.
It’s as if I’m trying to apologize for taking up their time. Taking up their time to read my e-mail which will take a total of 2 minutes at most. Apologizing for reminding them to do something or apologizing for not receiving something from them (wait… that doesn’t make sense).
I also use it frequently when I speak. When someone asks me “What do you do?” I say “I’m JUST a stay-at-home-mom” or “I JUST blog”. But really, are either of those things worthy of the preface of JUST? No! Most definitely NOT!
So why do I do it? Why do I continuously use the words JUST over and over again. Am I too nice and polite? Or just a little naive? Either way, the word is unnecessary 99% of the time. The sentence would sound right without it. So why do I continuously use it?
Honestly, I don’t know why, but I hate it. At a recent blogging conference, when I introduced myself, I made a point of declaring that this is the year I will no longer say “JUST”, especially when I respond to the question “What do you do?”. Starting today, I’m taking a vow to remove the word JUST out of my vocabulary (unless absolutely necessary). I have nothing to apologize for, especially not for being helpful and for spending time with my family.

I JUST happen to love blogging!
Spill it… do you overuse the word JUST?
Oh I hear ya! I catch myself saying this and it almost makes one feel unworthy, and that is definitely not how I want to feel. So thanks for the reminder. And for sharing your story, its nice to know that we are not alone. No more “just” 🙂
Omg yes I know exactly what you are saying, I too use the word just all the time, so just remember your not alone!!
Completely agree! I noticed I used it a lot as well and have since been making a big effort to stop. I’m with you!