People often say to me “I don’t know how do you do it all?” Usually I just laugh and just shake my head, because the truth is, I don’t do it all!
I don’t clean, I hire help instead.
I’m a mediocre cook at best and I don’t bake. It’s basically survival mode around our house when it comes to food. Luckily, I’ve upgraded my game from Mr. Noodle and Kraft Dinner so I can offer my kids some nutrition and variety (although I’m sure they would prefer the KD route)!
We eat out way too often.
I basically beg for help from my parents on a daily basis.
I spend too much time on e-mail and social media when I’m at home with the boys during the day and every time I do, I wish I was a ‘hands-free’ parent instead (stupid mom guilt!)
Once my kids are finally asleep, I spend my alone time writing.
I don’t see my friends often enough unless once every six months counts as often.
Most days, my family grabs their clothes from the clean laundry basket instead of their closet or drawers.
That is if they have any clean clothes. My laundry piles is continuously growing and I’ve done the same load of laundry three times now!
I put on new clothes everyday but by the time I step out of my house, it looks (and sometimes smells) like I haven’t washed my clothes in weeks.
I would love to train for a half marathon but I never seem to find the time and when I do, I’d rather relax in bed.
I hear the word poop at least 40 times a day.
My kids shirts and faces are constantly messy and dirty
My oldest son just had two cavities filled before turning 5! Not proud of this but lesson learned.
My kids eat a lot of sugary food but I prefer to think of it as a balanced life style that also includes fruits and vegetables. Pretty much, my husband and I enjoy eating sweets and we’re terrible at sneaking them in.
Sometimes there are unwashed dishes in my sink when I go to bed.
My house constantly looks like a war zone and/or tornado has gone through it, somehow managing to only pull all the kids toys out of bins and off shelves.
I haven’t read a book in… I can’t remember the last time I read a book. I subscribe to magazines to make up for the fact that I don’t read books but I don’t always have time to read magazines either. There’s currently a stack on my night table calling my name.
Even though my middle son Ryan is showing interest in potty training (since June) I’m delaying it because really, we all know potty training isn’t for the weak.
My kids don’t have a consistent napping schedule because… three kids of different ages.
I still have Halloween decorations up from last year but now that we’re three weeks away from Halloween, no one is the wiser. 🙂
“Date night” sounds like a catch phrase to me. Everyone talks about it, but no one knows what it is.
Even though you’ll often find me with a smile on my face and laughing and even though my face doesn’t show it (I have some good genes), I really AM exhausted!
I don’t do it all and I don’t want to. It’s exhausting and honestly, I’d rather be watching my boys act like boys than spend my time cleaning. If at the end of the day I haven’t lost my mind and the boys are healthy and fed, I call that a successful day. That’s how I do it!
Lindsay Tarvit says
LOVE THIS POST!! Well said Maya 🙂
try small things says
You make me feel so much better, Maya! I don’t do it all either (I can’t do it all!) and maybe that really is okay.
Nada says
Know of any working mom versions of this post? 🙂
natalie says
FAB. Many moms can now feel like they can let go of the guilt. Thanks for sharing (and doing it all! -> that’s me thanking you from a business perspective ahaha!) 🙂
Vinma Joseph (@amomlessmom) says
If I say, “Great post”, it is really not going to cut it. Instead, I would call this a “realistic post”. You just described a typical day in my life (minus 1 kid, since I only have 2 🙂 ) Thank you for sharing, you are making all Moms feel better!
Gilly Bean says
Tina Fawcett says
Couldn’t have said it better.
lauriecmoser says
Love your post and hearing actually honesty! That’s what makes you a great Mom or Dad!
Tammy (@inRdream) says
You nailed it on the head. That’s exactly what most of our homes look like. BTW I hire too, because no we cannot do it all.
angela september says
yepppp that looks hjust like my house with 2 boys too!! lol
Anne Taylor says
Agree with everything you had to say! Since my grandson has been living with us, our place is a complete pig sty but I’d not have it any other way!