My good-friend Anna was 9 months pregnant and about to move houses. To say the least, she was going to need some assistant in the coming months with house cleaning. I had a great opportunity come up through my blog and I thought she might be interested in reviewing it on my behalf. is a one-stop-online-shop for help in the GTA whether you’re looking for a nanny, elderly care or a house cleaner. Here’s her review:
As a mommy-to-be I am looking for help wherever I can, so when the opportunity came up to review, I jumped at the opportunity. I am a month away from mat leave (if this baby comes on time) and desperately need a cleaner because we just moved in to a bigger house. At 8.5 months pregnant, my mobility is limited and I need a nap after walking up a flight of stairs. The benefits of housekeeping helps me maintain a cleaner and more organized home without overexerting myself. is a service for families looking for Nannies, Elder Caregivers, and Cleaners in the Toronto area. It also helps caregivers, nannies and house cleaners find work. It’s a win-win service!
I signed up for the service and filled out my job ad information which took me about 5 minutes. Once signed up, I was able to contact any potential cleaners on the site as well as be contacted by interested cleaners who saw my job ad. I am only looking for service once or twice a month, and I received 25 applicants within six hours. This is great! You have the option of receiving the applications via text or e-mail. My one recommendation is to ask people to send their applications via e-mail. I clicked on both e-mail and text as an option, and all of the people looking for work, sent me messages via text. I love text messaging as much as the next girl, but when you receive 22 messages from phone numbers you don’t know, it becomes really hard to track. I am still going through the people who sent me messages!
That said, I have been looking for a good cleaner for a couple of years and have only ever used other corporate services that charge an arm and a leg and pay their cleaners an hourly wage. I like that I was able to go straight to the source for just $19. Soon I am going to have a house cleaner that I can work with and pay directly. No more strangers coming in to clean my home when I am desperate for a break. Relationships are important and if you find a good cleaner, you’ll never let her go which is why I am excited to have somebody to connect with. When the time comes for me to go back to work, I will definitely look at as an option for child care services as well.
What a great option to have to find help! I know it’s stressful to find somebody you trust to clean and work for you so it’s is a great local option!
This is a great service. I don’t like hiring strangers and service like this make it easier.
Oh, wow! This is great! I have friends currently looking for a nanny for their kids! Having a service that screens its workers and provides you with trustworthy people to employ is so important.
We all need help from time to time. Hiring someone to come into your home is stressful, and I wouldn’t even know where to start. I really like The Nanny Pages! It’s a great resource for us moms to put us at ease with who enters our home.
This is such a great service and one I wish we had here in Vancouver. I would definitely use it as I’m a caregiver to my husband and son, so having someone come and clean my house and help me organize would be wonderful. How very cool!
This is great. My wife and i have been looking for nanny/cleaner for months now. Thanks to the within one day we multiple high quality nanny’s to choose from! Wish we learnt about them earlier! Thanks for posting.
Great website just signed up and I have interviews setup for Tom:)