Oh Summer – how I love thee! Between the sun, warm weather and spending time up on the lake, not much else can top it. I was born to live in the sun but since I live in Canada, I enjoy the three months of summer as much as possible. I never take a minute of it for granted.
One of my beloved summer activities includes spending as much time as possible at the cottage. Routines go by the wayside and our meals usually look quite a bit different. Mainly, if it can’t be barbecued, we probably won’t buy it. So what are our go-to cottage meals? They are simple, easy and delicious (but not necessarily always nutritious). It’s not something I would recommend that you indulge in daily, but it’s a nice “once-in-a-while” option for special occasion – like cottage weekends.
Favourite Cottage Meals
Hamburgers & Hot Dogs – the standard barbecue meal. Tried and tested and can be enjoyed with lots of different toppings, with or without buns, and offered in a variety of meat (or meatless) options. This is pretty much are go-to when we can’t think of what to make for dinner or we need to cook up something quickly.
Maple glazed Salmon – mix some maple, soy sauce and Dijon mustard together and brush it on a big piece of Salmon (or Rainbow Trout). Cover it in tinfoil so it doesn’t burn, and barbecue away. The flavour is so sweet and delicious. This meal is part of our weekly rotation (baked in the oven during non-bbq season).
Chicken – this requires some preparation but it’s best to pour some sauce (any good chicken sauce will do) into a big bag with some chicken and let it marinate for a few hours before you barbecue.
Pizza – perfect for a “midnight” snack. Stick in on the barbecue and it’s ready in no time.
Inadvertently, spills are always part of a good barbecue meal. I don’t know if it’s because of the food choices, or the fact that we usually eat in a picnic setting so it’s more likely to fall, but spills always happen! I would like to blame my kids for this, but I can’t! It’s just part of the deal I guess when you eat in a relaxed atmosphere (right??? Tell me I’m not alone on this). So here’s how I get rid of those pesky stains and spills without having to throw out my entire family’s wardrobe.
Tackling Tough Stains
First, I spray the stains with OxiClean™ MaxForce™. The Spray combines five types of stain fighters to remove your toughest dried-in stains, including grass and blood, grease and oil, food stains, drink stains, Soil and Clay. I gently rub it into the fabric and let it sit for at least 5 minutes.
I then add some OxiClean™ Colour Shield Laundry Stain Remover Powder to the washing machine which helps keep the colours looking new longer! I add my laundry detergent and wash my clothes. I typically wash in cold water (both for energy efficiency and to help keep my heating bill low) but for really bad stains or for white clothes, it’s best to wash in warm water.
What are your favourite Cottage Meals and what tips or advice do you have to tackle tough stains?
Disclosure: I received compensation as part of my participation in the Church & Dwight Ambassador program. The opinions are my own.
I like simple cottage meals and for stains I am a great believer in just soaking the item with some detergent until the stain is lifter. We prefer to have fun and enjoy ourselves we easy meals and activities and don’t worry about stains.
love a good bbq meal… and love that there are less dishes from cooking. i’ll have to try out that stain remover, as I’ve been struggling to find one that actually works.
Favourite summer time meals include burgers, tacos (let them eat outside & get messy) summer salads, veggies on the BBQ, simple easy to prepare meals that everyone loves.
On those stains – some are easier to remove than others but have not yet found one product that removes every stain.