Please help me welcome my guest blogger, an old friend of mine. In fact, she was one of my first friends when I moved to Canada in 1989. My friend M is funny, sweet & smart. She’s also my new hero. With three kids under the age of 2, she and her husband have moved across the world, from Winnipeg to New Zealand. She decided to blog about her experiences here: In her funny and thought provoking guest post, M chimes in about parenting differences across cultures and how in one culture what may seem like “bad parenting” is completely acceptable in another. Leave her a comment and let her know what you think!
Hello Mayahood Readers,
I am sure many of you, like me, enjoy reading about other people’s parenting missteps, mainly because it makes us all feel better about our own parenting missteps. I have three children under the age of two. As such, we are spread very thin and this leads to numerous parenting missteps on pretty much an hourly basis. Don’t get me wrong, overall I think we’re doing a solid job but yes, we pick our battles. Wearing seatbelts, brushing teeth, putting on suntan lotion are musts. Wearing pants at the dinner table, however, is optional at best. And that applies to me and my husband, as well.