With my 32nd birthday (today) and our second child’s birth looming around the corner, it got me thinking about my “bucket-list”. Not too long ago, I had fulfilled many items on my list. I went back-packing through Europe for four months, I skydived 10 times in places such as Switzerland, Israel and New Zealand (3 tandem jumps and 7 solo jumps), I bungee jumped, white water rafted and scuba dived in British Columbia, I parasailed in the Philippines, saw the Pyramids in Egypt, ran five half-marathons, obtained my MBA and married the love of my life.
Of course, all of that was pre-baby and even pre-wedding. That’s not to say that becoming a family has slowed me down, but it just changed my priorities (for the best I think). So now, as I think about my future, it’s time that I re-visit my bucket-list and update it to reflect both my current and future life-style. While I will probably not be able to complete most of the items before I’m 40 (i.e. the travel ones), I hope that I can complete most of them in the next eight years. Here’s what I’ve come up with so far, in no particular order:
- Complete a full marathon. Preferably the NY marathon
- See a live taping of the Ellen Show in California
- Have a third child – DONE
- Take art lessons and create a piece that’s nice enough to hang in our house
- Take photography lessons and use something other than the “auto” button on my awesome Nikon SLR camera – WORK IN PROGRESS
- Swim in the Great Barrier Reef in Australia
- Go on a safari tour in South Africa
- Climb Mount Kilimanjaro
- Walk the Great Wall of China
- Travel all over India
- Watch baby turtles hatch in their natural habitat
- Watch an olympic sport in-person
- Actively volunteer for a charity that’s important to my family
- Become mortgage free – TEMPORARILY DONE until we bought our new house 2 years ago with assistance from top mortgage brokers in Whangarei
- Learn something new like: wine making, sewing, cooking Indian food or a new language
- Get back my pre-baby body (after I have our last child) – NOT POSSIBLE
- Have 1.000 followers on my blog – DONE
- See a live taping of SNL
- Learn to bake – DONE
- Go to Disney World / Land – DONE
What about you? Do you have a bucket-list? What else would you add to my list or what is unique to yours? I would love to hear!! Suggestions are always welcome 🙂
Or let me know if you’re able to help me out with any of my bucket list items!
great idea, I also have a bucket list of my own!
I’m right there with you on #5 and if you lived closer to me I’d teach you how to bake!
you’re so sweet. I don’t know why, but baking has always scared me. I’ve never even owned flour in my life!!!
Love it Maya! I think you could even have baby #4 before 40 🙂
And once Kyle can tell you that he wants YOU to bake cookies or a cake, baking will be less scary, you will become a pro!
#4? hahah! no thanks 😉 Lets just get through #2 first. I have to admit that I’ve baked with Mr. Christy before. They make goooood cookies 😉
Great list Maya and happy birthday. Any time you want to bake let me know would love to teach you…..:-) also would love to take the kids to disneyland one day.
I know! you’re my go-to person for baking. We should arrange a Disneyland trip together. That would be amazing. Say 2 years or so?
Sounds like a plan!!!
Maya – you are sooo young , only 32….you have so much time left untill you will be 40. what will i say? i have 10 month left…..:( , i will never Swim in the Great Barrier Reef in Australia
or Go on a safari tour in South Africa ….getting older is sucks!
haha. You can still do all of those things! 40 is a big one. What are you doing to celebrate? Maybe go to South Africa or Australia??? 😉
I can send you the reciepes that I have gathered to help you with # 15 and can created a suggested travel map for you to consider for #10! Meh, you will have all of these done by the time you turn 40 for SURE!!
That would be awesome for the reciepes. Home tested and approved are ideal for me. I wouldn’t even know where to start… I will let you know about the travel map. I don’t think that’s in my near future… but hopefully before 40 😉 Tnx Jay! xoxo
Happy Birthday. Best to you re expectant #2. AMBITIOUS list especially taking item 3 into account. And 1,2,and 3 will all want to swim, surf, scuba, skydive, snowboard and ski(water, snow, cross, backcountry)….. and those are only THE S’s. Dare to Dream! My list is now the After 60 list and includes things like Teaching Grandson to ski… then snowboarding…. and then being able to keep up 2 years hence!!!! I’ve developed an alternative to My Bucket List…Fucket List incl things like Trying to keep up with my daughter on the snowboard hill; Wanting to attempt the Blowhole run at WhistlerBlackcomb!!! LOL